Sosialisasi Penggunaan Wadah Reusable Dalam Manajemen Logistik Di Instalasi Gizi Klinik Rawat Inap Waras Wiris
Nutrition Logistics management, Food distribution system, Plastic containersAbstract
This Community service aims to analyze the patient food distribution system at Waras Wiris Inpatient Clinic Malang Regency, focusing on the use of single-use plastic containers that hurt the environment and budget. The food distribution system is an essential element in healthcare that must be managed effectively and sustainably. The Problem-solving in this community service used the Fishbone diagram method to identify the main problems, namely the absence of SOPs related to the use of food containers, dependence on plastic containers, and the lack of plastic waste sorting. Problem prioritization was determined through the USG (Urgency, Seriousness, Growth) method. SWOT analysis was then used to formulate intervention strategies, which included making SOPs, procuring reusable containers, and socializing the reduction of plastic use. The results showed that implementing SOPs and sorting plastic waste are necessary to improve service quality and reduce environmental impacts. Recommendations include the development of a comprehensive SOP and continuous education for staff and patients on the importance of reusable containers.
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